Big Cat And Andy Staples Break Down How Notre Dame Is Set For Life With The College Football Playoff Format

Haters: jOIn a cOnfereCe oR YoU cAn nEveR gEt A byE iN tHe pLayOfFs


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Breakdown of ND's big disadvantage of not being in a conference:

1) Host a playoff game in December in South Bend

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2) Often times against a Group of 5 champion

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3) Then play the 4 seed who could've won the Big12 or ACC championship game

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4) Make the Final Four before seeing the Ohio State's of the world. If ND can figure out a way to have 11 players on the field on defense during consecutive plays on the goalline then OSU could be a win too. 

When the format was initially announced I knew qualification for Notre Dame would be likely. 

I didn't put together how much of an advantage NOT playing in a conference championship and not getting a bye really was. It's not this year, because ND doesn't have much margin for error because their schedule is so pathetic, but in most years 10-2 gets them in and 11-1 probably means the 5 seed. The Notre Dame haters can't believe what Happy Jack Swarbrick got them in this deal. I feel like Staples and Big Cat were the first ones to really break it down for the nation and it couldn't be more perfect. Dan spent the entire interview with Marcus Freeman saying he doesn't like ND, but likes when they're in the mix. Well BC, your dreams are about to come true because Notre Dame is going to be a contender by definition just about every season with this format. Winning playoff games, being in the dance, shaking down thunder, and waking up echoes. I hate so many of the changes to College Football in the last decade, but this one is going to be great. Notre Dame gets to be independent and has a clear path to a good path in the tournament. ND wins again. 

uNDefeated blog comes out on Thursday or Friday. 

Watch Party at The Barn on Saturday for the first W of the year against A&M. 

Can't wait. Hit the music

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